Board of Education Policies
- A- School District Organization
- B - School Board Operations
- C - General School Administration
- D - Fiscal Management
- E - Business Management
- F - Facility Expansion Program
- G - Personnel (Licensed and Non-Licensed)
- H - Negotiations
- I - Instructional Program
- J - Students
- K - General Public Relations
- L - Interorganizational Relations
- M - Relations with other Education Agencies
A- School District Organization
Table of Contents (A) - School District Organization
A - District Authority
ABE - District Goals and Objectives
AC - School District Grade Levels
AD - District Attendance Areas
ADA - School Census
AE - School Year
AEA - School Calendar
AEB - School Year and Learning Opportunities
AF - School Day
AG - Closing School Buildings
B - School Board Operations
Table of Contents (B) - School Board Operations
BA - Goals and Objectives
BBBB - New Member Orientation
BBBF - Reimbursement for Expenses
BBC - Board Committees
BBE - Attorney
BCAC - Special Meetings
BCAE - Public Hearings
BCBD - Agenda
BCBF - Rules of Order
BCBG - Voting Method
BCBH - Minutes
BCBI - Public Participation at Board Meetings
BCBJ - News Coverage
BCBK - Executive Session
BDA - Developing, Adopting, Amending, and Repealing Board Policy
BE - School Board Records
BG - Memberships
BK - Board Self-Evaluation
C - General School Administration
Table of Contents (C) - General School Administration
CA - Goals and Objectives of School Administration
CB - Administrator Ethics
CC - Organizational Chart
CD - Administrative Line and Staff Relations
CE - Superintendent of Schools
CEA - Superintendent Qualifications
CEB - Superintendent Duties
CEC - Superintendent Recruitment
CEE - Compensation and Benefits
CEF - Expense Reimbursement and Credit Cards
CEG - Superintendent Professional Development Opportunities
CEI - Evaluating the Superintendent
CEJ - Nonrenewing or Terminating the Superintendent Contract
CEK - Resignation
CF - Board-Superintendent Relations
CG - Administrative Personnel
CGI - Administrator Evaluation
CGK - Suspension
CJ - Hiring Consultants
CK - Professional Development Opportunities
CL - Administrative Teams
CM - Policy Implementation
CN - Public Records
CNA - Document Production, Including Electronic Information
CO - Reports
D - Fiscal Management
Table of Contents (D) - Fiscal Management
DA - Goals and Objectives
DB - Budget Planning
DC - Annual Operating Budget
DE - Fraud Prevention and Investigation
DFAA - Grants and other Outside Financial Resources
DFAB - Standard of Conduct for Federally Funded Contracts
DFAC - Federal Fiscal Compliance
DFE - Investment of Funds
DFG - Fees, Payments and Rentals
DFK - Gifts and Bequests
DFM - Equipment and Supplies Sales
DH - Bonded Employees
DI - Building Keys
DIC - Inventories
DJB - Petty Cash Accounts
DJE - Purchasing
DJEB - Quality Control
DJED - Bids and Quotations Requirements
DJEE - Local Purchasing
DJEF - Requisitions
DJEG - Purchase Orders and Contracts
DJEJ - Payment Procedures
DJFA - Purchasing Authority
DJFAB - Administrative Leeway
DK - Student Activity Fund Management
DP - Collection Procedures
E - Business Management
Table of Contents (E) - Business Management
EA - Goals and Objectives
EB - Buildings and Grounds Management
EBA - Insurance Program
EBB - Safety
EBBA - Hazardous Waste Inspection and Disposal
EBBD - Evacuations and Emergencies
EBBE - Emergency Drills
EBBF - Crisis Planning
EBBG - Cardiac Emergency Response Planning
EBC - Security and Safety
EBCA - Vandalism
EBE - Cleaning and Maintenance Program
EBI - Long-Range Maintenance Program
EBJ - Records
EC - Equipment and Supplies Management
ECA - HIPAA Policy
ECH - Printing and Duplicating Services
ED - Student Transportation Management
EDAA - School Buses and Vehicles
EDDA - Special Use of School Buses
EE - Food Services Management
EF -Data Management
F - Facility Expansion Program
G - Personnel (Licensed and Non-Licensed)
Table of Contents (G) - Personnel (Licensed and Non-Licensed)
GA - Personnel Policy Organization
GAA - Goals and Objectives
GAAA - Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination
GAAB - Complaints of Discrimination
GAAC - Sexual Harassment
GAACA - Racial and Disability Harassment: Employees
GAAD - Child Abuse
GAAE - Bullying by Staff
GAAF - Emergency Safety Interventions
GACA - Positions
GACB - Job Descriptions
GACC - Recruitment and Hiring
GACCA - Nepotism
GACD - Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9)
GACE - Assignment and Transfer
GAD - Employee Development Opportunities
GAE - Complaints
GAF - Staff-Student Relations
GAG - Conflict of Interest
GAH - Participation in Community Activities
GAHB - Political Activities
GAI - Solicitations
GAJ - Gifts
GAK - Personnel Records
GAL - Salary Deductions (FLSA)
GAM - Personal Appearance
GAN - Travel Expenses
GANA - Expense Reimbursement and Credit Cards
GAO - Maintaining Proper Control
GAOA - Drug-Free Workplace
GAOB - Drug-Free Schools
GAOC - Tobacco-Free School Grounds for Staff
GAOD - Drug and Alcohol Testing
GAOE - Workers Compensation
GAOF - Salary Deductions
GAR - Communicable Diseases
GARA - Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan
GARI - Family and Medical Leave
GARIA - Pregnant and Parenting Employees
GARID - Uniformed Service Leave
GAT - Staff Use of Communication Devices
GBH - Supervision
GBI - Evaluation
GBK - Suspension
GBL - Probation
GBN - Nonrenewal and Termination
GBO - Resignation
GBQA - Reduction of Teaching Staff
GBR - Working Schedule
GBRC - Professional Development
GBRD - Staff Meetings
GBRE - Additional Duty
GBRF - Student and Parent Conferences
GBRG - Non-School Employment
GBRGA - Consulting
GBRGB - Tutoring for Pay
GBRH - Leaves and Absences
GBRIBA - Disability Leave
GBRJ - Substitute Teaching
GBU - Ethics
GCA - Compensation and Work Assignments
GCD - Resignation
GCI - Classified Employee Evaluation
GCIA - Evaluation of Coaches and Sponsors
GCK - Suspension
GCRF - Non-School Employment
GCRG - Leaves
GCRH - Vacations
GCRI - Paid Holidays
H - Negotiations
Table of Contents (H) -Negotiations
HAA - Legal Status
HAB - Goals and Objectives
HAC - Scope of Negotiations
HAE - Board Negotiating Agents
HAF - Superintendent's Role
HAHBA - Use of School Facilities
HAHBB - Use of School Equipment
HAI - Negotiations Procedures
HAJ - Preliminary Agreement Disposition
HAK - Ratification Procedures
HAL - Announcement of Agreement
HAN - Slowdowns
I - Instructional Program
Table of Contents (I) - Instructional Program
IA - Philosophy
IB - School Site Councils
IC - Educational Program
ICA - Pilot Projects
ICAA - Teaching Methods
ID - Instructional Program
IDAA - Special Programs
IDAB - Support Programs
IDAC - Exceptional Programs
IDACA - Special Education Services
IDACB - Section 504 Accommodations for Students
IDAD - Title I Programs
IDAE - Student Privacy Policy
IDCE - College Classes
IDFA - Athletics
IE - Instructional Arrangements
IEB - Charter Schools
IF - Textbooks, Instructional Materials & Media Centers
IFA - Classroom Displays
IFBH - Outside Speakers
IFC - Community Resources
IFCB - Field Trips
IFCC - Overnight Accommodations
IHA - Grading System
IHB - Homework
IHEA - Make-Up Opportunities
IHF - Graduation Requirements
II - Educational Testing Programs
IIA - Performance-Based Credits
IIBF - Acceptable Use Guidelines
IIBG - Computer and Device Use
IIBGA - Children’s Internet Protection Act
IIBGB - Online Learning Opportunities
IIBGC - Staff Online Activities
IJ - Evaluation of Instructional Program
IKA - Financial Literacy
IKB - Controversial Issues
IKCA - Human Sexuality and AIDS Education
IKD - Religion in Curricular or School Sponsored Activities
IKDA - Religious Objections to Activities
IKE - Assemblies
IKI - Lesson Plans
ING - Animals and Plants in the School
J - Students
Table of Contents (J) - Students
JA - Goals and Objectives
JB - Attendance Records
JBC - Enrollment
JBCA - Homeless Students
JBCB - Foster Care Students
JBCC - Enrollment of Nonresident Students
JBD - Absences and Excuses
JBE - Truancy
JBH - Release of a Student during the School Day
JCAB - Searches of Property
JCABB - Searches of Students
JCAC - Interrogation and Investigations
JCDA - Student Conduct
JCDAA - Tobacco-Free School Grounds for Students
JCDB - Dress Code
JCDBB - Weapons
JCE - Complaints of Discrimination
JCEC - Demonstrations
JDA - Corporal Punishment
JDB - Detention
JDC - Probation
JDD - Suspension and Expulsion Procedures
JDDA - Drug-Free Schools
JDDAA - Student Misuse of Medication
JDDB - Reporting to Law Enforcement
JDDC - Bullying
JF - Academic Achievement
JFA - Peer Grading of Assignments
JFB - Promotion and Retention
JFC - Graduation Exercises
JFCA - Early Graduation
JGA - Student Insurance Program
JGC - Health Assessments and Physicals
JGCA - Local Health and Wellness
JGCB - Inoculations
JGCBA - Automated External Defibrillators
JGCC - Communicable Diseases
JGCD - Health Screenings
JGD - Student Psychological Services
JGEC - Sexual Harassment
JGECA - Racial and Disability Harassment: Students
JGFB - Supervision of Students
JGFF - Student Transportation
JGFG - Student Accidents and Health Emergencies
JGFGA - Administration of Emergency Opioid Antagonist
JGFGB - Supervision of Medications
JGFGBA - Student Self-Administration of Medications
JGFGBB - Accommodating Students with Diabetes
JGG - Transportation
JGGA - Use of Surveillance Cameras
JGH - School Food Service Programs
JGHB - Vending Machines and Other Automated Play Machines
JH - Student Activities
JHC - Student Organizations
JHCA - Student Publications
JHCAA - Gang Intimidation
JI - Community Activities
JJ - Employment of Students
JK - Solicitations
JL - Gifts
JM - Contests for Students
JN - Awards
JQ - Exceptional Students
JQA - Temporarily Disabled Students
JQE - Alternative Arrangements for Nontraditional Students
JQI - Adult Students
JQKA - Foreign Exchange Students
JQL - Hearing Procedures for Exceptional Students
JQLA - Class-size/Caseload Limits for Exceptional Students
JR - Student Records
JRA - Types of Records
JRB - Release of Student Records
JRC - Disposition of Records
JRD - Hearing Request
JS - Student Fees and Charges
K - General Public Relations
Table of Contents (K) - General Public Relations
KA - Goals and Objectives
KB - Public Information Programs
KBA - District or School Websites
KBC - Media Relations
KCA - Protection of Privacy Rights
KCB - Custodial and Non-Custodial Parent Rights
KDC - Solicitations
KFD - School Volunteers
KG - Use of School Facilities by Community Groups
KGA - Use of District Personal Property and Equipment
KGB - Concealed Observations
KGC - Bullying by Parents
KGD - Disruptive Acts at School or School Activities
KGDA - Public Conduct on School Property
KH - Gifts to Schools
KI - Distributing Materials in Schools
KK - Disposal of District Property
KM - Visitors to the School
KN - Complaints
KNA - Complaints Regarding Child Nutrition Programs